Policy and Practices of Environment

The Company is aware of its duties and responsibilities towards the environment and strives to enhance the efficiency of environmental management in a comprehensive manner including the operating activities or providing services of the Company with the following environmental practices:

  • Strictly comply with the laws, regulations and environmental requirements in various activities of the Company;
  • Cultivate and create awareness among employees at all levels by focusing environmental responsibility in order to create understanding and realize the importance of environmental responsibility by providing training and campaigns to our staff through various activities continually in the environment;
  • Develop and improve the environmental resource management system as well as continually improving and reviewing work processes to reduce negative environmental impacts including supporting the use of resources with efficiency.
  • Supporting environmentally friendly procurement and services as well as encouraging partners, contractors and external service providers to provide environmentally friendly services.

Environmental Performance

Energy Usage Management

The Company promotes and creates awareness among all employees about the efficiency to use of energy along with providing training to our employees to be aware and cooperation to conserve energy within the organization in terms of reducing electricity consumption, reducing the use of air conditioners, reducing the use of passenger elevators, reducing the use of office equipment and various fuels. The Company supports the model of work from home, which is a flexible and relaxing way of working. Our people can choose the workplace as they like because it can make our people to focus fully on their works and boost thinking more creativity, especially in information technology work filed that require innovation or new technology. Therefore, working under a stressful atmosphere or a limited workplace within the Company may affect productivity. For our employees’ views, it can save time and expenses because in the normal time, employees have to calculate the time and transportation expenses to work for each month. Working from home can save quite a lot of time and expenses. Consequently, our employees have more personal time and also save the transportation expenses as well.

Water Usage Management

Although the Company's core business does not use water in its business operations, but the Company has realized and considered to be part of the conservation of water resources so, the Company has a water management plan. which is in the process of setting water usage goals and various plans in order to increase efficiency. However, the Company supports the work from home approach and organizes activities and setting campaign for everyone to save water as well as continuously monitoring the water consumption.

Garbage and Waste Management

Garbage and waste management is one of the Company's priorities because garbage a problem that affects health and the environment. To build safety and hygienic workplace environment, the Company has a waste and waste disposal plan under the 5R principles as follows:

  • Reduce :By reducing the use of packaging products
  • Reuse : By reuse such as glass bottles, paper boxes, envelopes, use 2 sided of paper (front/back), etc.
  • Repair : By repairing things for continue using
  • Reject : By avoiding the use of things that cause pollution
  • Recycle : By transforming and recycling by going through the production process again

In addition, the Company also has campaign to our people to pay attention to waste separation.

Greenhouse Gas Management

The Company adheres to responsible our business operations by realizing the importance of managing greenhouse gases which is one factor that contributes to reducing climate change that occurs today. It was found that the most activities of the Company’s business that release greenhouse gas emissions were the use of electricity in the office and the use of fuel from the vehicles of our personnel. Therefore, the Company has maintenance continuously the equipment that uses electricity according to the energy conservation plan together with having campaigns to save energy continuously. At present, the Company will not measure the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from our business operations by certified relevant agencies. The Company has started to study this matter and is in the process of setting clearly concrete goals and plans including collecting various data in order to manage energy and greenhouse gases more efficiently.